Saturday, September 11, 2010

Our gal is 2 months old!

Two months, 10 pounds, 10 ounces, 22.5 inches long.  Addison had her two month checkup Thursday, which included our first experience with shots.  Dr. White said she's very healthy and growing right where we want her to be; I was very excited.  The shots, however, took their toll on both Mama and Baby!  I know it sounds ridiculous, but it was like she knew she would not like whatever the nurse had on her tray, because as soon as she walked in Addie started crying!  Needless to say, the rest of the day was pretty rough.  She's a trooper though; all three of us went to a football game that night...  The heat, shots, and everything considered, we all enjoyed it.

Speaking of football, it's football season!  This is my first fall in six years not coaching cheerleading or dance team, yet somehow I have still gone to three games in two weeks!  High school football is considerably more fun when you're not in charge of 14-20 teenagers (no offense to anyone reading this; it just adds pressure).  Addison seems to enjoy the games, too, or maybe just all the people to see.  Next weekend will be an entire football adventure: I think Brad and I are going to cart Addison to a University of West Alabama football game to watch a friend of ours play.  It's several hours away, so we may be crazy, but we'll see.

This blog thing is pretty interesting.  It's like writing in a journal, only I keep second-guessing everything I write because people will read it.  Then, of course, I remind myself that I'm not really writing anything of importance or true substance, so who will really read this thing?  I still feel like I need to find a happy medium between pouring my heart out, and writing something boring and empty.  For example, what should I say about myself in the "About Me" space?  Do I write that I am overwhelmed by how blessed my life is?  That I feel completely undeserving of the gift of Brad as my husband and friend?  That when I wake up in the morning I can't wait to play with my precious daughter and see what she will do next?  No... those things are too cheesy and intimate.

My friend Denise laughed at me for listing that Rosco is a "good dog."  Well, he is.  When Brad first got him, before we were in engaged, I was upset about it because I'm allergic to dogs.  In the years since, I've spent more time with him than Brad has.  He's such a good dog.  I read an article a long time ago about how dogs can tell when some thing's changing in their masters by the smell.  I didn't really think much about it at the time, but I believe it now.  Even before my enormous belly showed that I was pregnant, Rosco acted a little different around me.  He always took extra time sniffing pregnant me, and was less impatient with how slow I was as I got bigger!  :)  The first few times I took Addison on a walk with Rosco, he circled her stroller sniffing her like crazy!  Now he just assumes she'll be joining our walk, as if she's been there all the time.  It's so cool to watch!  This week I left Addie with Brad and just took Rosco out, and both times I let him out of the back yard and he roamed around the driveway for a few minutes looking for her and the stroller.  So, Denise, perhaps I should have listed Rosco as a smart, loyal, beautiful, well-behaved, good dog?  Too many adjectives, I think.

Addison is changing every day!  She loves to sit or lay on our bed and check out the ceiling fan or the window.  She loves to be naked!  Even if she's a bit fussy, the moment we put her on the changing table to change her she brightens up.  If I let her hang out in just her diaper for a little while, she is just as content as anything.  Addie is definitely a morning girl, just like her parents.  Sometimes she is awake for a while before it's time to get up, and she lays in the crib or bassinet and coos to herself and wriggles around pleasantly.  She's such a good baby.  I wish I had a video camera to tape these precious times, but I'm pretty sure it would bore anyone else to tears. 

1 comment:

  1. A.) She's enormous! At least compared to when I last saw her! I'm so upset that I can't see her grow!
    B.) She comes by her morning-ness naturally. I'm pretty sure you used to hang out in your room until it was late enough to get out of bed!
