Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Jesus is the Season of the Reason!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  (A little belated, I guess.)

I hope your Christmas was filled with laughter and love and surprise and little reminders that, as my nephew Ben says, "Jesus is the Season of the Reason!"  He said it with such confidence and excitement, over and over, and by the time Christmas morning rolled around I started getting the phrase backwards in my own head!  When that sweet three year old said it the right way at church on Christmas I was so disappointed; I liked it the other way coming from him.  Our little family joined Brad's parents and sister's family for Christmas, so there were lots of folks and a LOT of toys tossed together in one house.  The words controlled chaos come to mind.
Just think - there will be more stockings before too long 

Lots and LOTS of presents
We enjoyed the visit with family and friends.  It made coming back "home" to Birmingham a little bittersweet though; almost like we moved again.  I am so, so ready to get into a a routine here and find a playgroup for A!  Any takers?

The new year, like everything else lately, snuck up on us.  We had nothing fun or exciting planned, and did not stay up to see 2012 come.  Now that it's January and every "news" story on television has to deal with how to keep your resolutions, I'm feeling like I need to make some.  I don't usually do the whole "This year I will _____ " thing.  I am not sure why I don't; there's obviously nothing wrong with having goals and making resolutions.  I usually do it a few times throughout the year, committing to set my alarm every morning to get up for my quiet time, join a new Bible study, watch less TV, etc.  This year, however, I am sort of making some.  (How's that for being resolute, huh?)

1. Be more intentionally positive.  If you know me at all, you know that this is not actually a problem I have; I'm almost always an optimist, to the point of annoying many.  What I mean is to be more positive about stuff immediately around me, on purpose.  I am guilty of making Brad feel bad for leading us here to Birmingham several times recently.  I didn't mean to make him feel this way; I certainly don't regret the move at all.  Both times I was just being honest about something going on in A and I's day, like being alone at the park, or stuck at the house, or whatever, but it came across as complaining and awful to him.  I plan to be prayerfully, intentionally positive about the rest of this transition... even if it means not griping about this teeny tiny house.

2. Have the TV on less, especially when A is awake.  I don't sit and watch it for long, ever, but have it on as background noise.  She watches it though, so it's got to stop.  Ugh.

3. Initiate conversations with strangers.  Not exactly my strong suit, but it's got to help the whole making friends thing, right?

4. Pray more intentionally for A and her future.  I have been somewhat diligent in begging God for her salvation, but what about the years in between, and the years after?  I want to help guide who she will become, which must involve prayer for her, and for myself since she watches me and already copies things I do.

I am excited about the things God has in store for us in 2012.  I have no idea about some things, but I am hopeful, and I know He has it all planned out.

Oh and #5. Continue doing A's hair as high as possible.  :)

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