Friday, January 28, 2011

Is it spring yet?

I hope Spring is around the corner!  While multiple feet of snow fall on our neighbors to the north, I'm putting my sweaters away - probably way too early.  I know we have almost two more months of winter left, and I remember freezing to death at a baseball game last March, but I'm doing some wishful thinking.  Today is beautful, sunny, and - when the wind isn't blowing too hard - almost warm!  Addison and I met some friends at the park and enjoyed the beautiful afternoon! 
Last week we made the trip up to Birmingham.  Brad had a board meeting to attend, and I had some friends to hang out with and introduce Addison to.  We had a great time!  I loved getting to spend a leisurely lunch and few hours with some sweet friends, and see them love on my girl.  What a precious moment.
Is it possible to have a relationship with a city?  Brad would be completely embarassed to know I'm posting this, but I love Birmingham!  And it's not just living there - we went to college there, and Brad and I lived there our first year and a half of marriage, and we enjoyed it, but it's so much more than that!  When we are heading north on 65 and start recognizing the things that let you know you're close, I start getting the same excited apprehension I felt at 15 when I went to Birmingham for World Changers and stood on top of Red Mountain and told my dad I thought I'd live there one day; and at 17 when we drove up to visit Samford and the leaves were beautiful and changing colors; and again every year following when I came back to Birmingham for the fall semester.  I love Birmingham!  (I am such a dork.) 
Here are two sweet, sweet "big girls" Addison got to play with while we were there.  Too cute!  (Except for the snot, haha.)

Moving on...
Speaking of Spring, I'm sort of ready for a new "lesson" from our heavenly Teacher... I mean, I'm not ready, which is why He is still working on me, but I sooooo want to be!  This one is kicking my butt!  I mean the making me think - keeping me awake - praying myself to sleep kind of kicking!  I finished the book Passport through Darkness, by Kimberly Smith yesterday.  Wow.  Addie took a long nap and I read the entire time; I was absolutely drained afterwards.  I felt like I had seen and heard and been challenged more from my couch than I have been in a while.  Something in her language and tone and honesty grabbed my heart and I felt like I was experiencing everything she experienced in Africa.  She tells several stories about people risking their lives to not worship Allah, or to get out of slavery, or protect children from trafficking, etc.  More than that, she told of how living through helping those people changed her relationship with Christ.  When she told two stories of women who risked their children's lives to not worship Allah, I was stopped short.  I actually said outloud "no way.  Not gonna do it."  I actually judged those women!  One believed that it was better for her children to risk - and did - die a painful death than be slaves and forced to bow to Allah in a Muslim house.  I couldn't handle it!  I realize this reaction is a sin on my part - the not being willing to risk Addison's life, and then the judgement on top of that - but I could not get past it! 

As I lay in bed last night I was convicted that I need to start praying that I will become that kind of Christian: who's worhsip is so important that I recognize and am willing to give up anything to make sure God is the only one I worship.  I want to be the kind of woman Addison can and should look up to, and maybe want to be like.

1 comment:

  1. I'm always ready for spring and fall usually for that matter, not a fan of winter. Addison is growing fast! I want to be that kind of woman too...I'm failing daily!
